Lysefjord Photo Course

A Photography Retreat in the Heart of Fjord Norway

ERLENDS MELDING: why you should participate in this fantastic photography workshop. A catchy quote to reel them in!

Erlend Berne

Photographer and Nature Guide, Explore Lysefjorden

Winter 2024. Join us now:

  • thursday 22 february – sunday 25 february
  • thursday 21 march – sunday 24 march.
  • other dates? Send an inquiry.

Capture the breathtaking beauty of Lysefjord through your lens! Join our immersive photo course set against the stunning backdrop of Norway’s majestic fjords. Led by an experienced nature photographer, this course offers practical guidance to enhance your photography skills while exploring the landscapes around the pittoresque hamlet Flørli. Whether you’re a beginner or an enthousiast, grow in your creativity and learn to frame the perfect shot. Join this visual journey and lift your photography skills in the rough beauty of the Lysefjord!

The Lysefjord Photo Course is a cooperative offer by Explore Lysefjorden and Flørli 4444.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Guidance: Led by Erlend Berne, a seasoned guide and passionate nature photographer.
  • Hands-On Learning: Practical sessions and guided expeditions to apply newfound skills in real-time.
  • Individualised Attention: Small group setting for personalised instruction and feedback.
  • Inspiring Environment: Immersion in the awe-inspiring landscapes of Flørli 4444 for endless photo opportunities.
  • Networking and Feedback: Opportunities for peer collaboration, group critiques, and shared learning experiences.

Capturing Nature’s Symphony: A Three-Day Photography Immersion in Flørli.

Day 1: Mastering Fundamentals Amidst Fjord Wonders

  • Morning: Travel to Flørli 4444, meet-and-greet with fellow participants, and an orientation to the stunning surroundings.
  • Afternoon: Photography essentials session covering camera settings, composition techniques, and capturing landscapes amidst the fjords. Photo-stroll onto the point Flørneset with its many scenic views.
  • Evening: Welcome to Flørli, a slideshow presentation by Hessel and a walkthrough of the upcoming programme.
Learning Goals, day 1
Practicalities, day 1

You will be picked up by your guide Erlend, at your hotel or an agreed upon location in Stavanger. Latest pickup time: 12am. With all the luggage and participants on board the minivan, we’ll catch the ferry to Flørli at Forsand. Make sure to eat well in the morning, as there’ll be a late lunch.

The ferry ride to Flørli is magnificent and we’ll see the iconic mountain Preikestolen / Pulpit Rock. It is a vertical 600 metre high cliff overlooking the Lysefjord. At 2pm, we’ll arrive at Flørli. You’ll check into the houses and get settled. Sandwiches are served and there will be a content session with Erlend to kick off the course.

Hessel is serving dinner in one of the houses you’re staying in. Then we’ll enjoy a slideshow introduction to Flørli. 

Housing is in our apartments, each of which has three bedrooms and nine beds. You’ll team up and share a room with one other participant, or you can choose to pay for the upgrade to a single person bedroom. The apartments each have a bathroom, fully equipped kitchen and a spacious livingroom with fantastic view of the Lysefjord. The standard of the apartments is simple, unlike a hotel.


Day 2: Storytelling Through Lens: Nature and Details

  • Morning: Dive deeper into photography storytelling—focus on capturing intricate details, textures, and intimate aspects of nature.
  • Midday: Guided history tour of the village Flørli.
  • Afternoon: Immersive hike led by Erlend Berne, allowing participants to photograph flora, fauna, and the scenic marvels of Flørli’s wilderness.
  • Evening: Workshop on editing and post-processing techniques to enhance images.
Learning Goals, day 2
Practicalities, day 2

The day starts off with breakfast served at 8am. The morning starts with theory. We’ll be taking a pre-lunch break where Hessel will guide a history tour through the village. You will learn about the history from the construction of the hydopower station in 1916 and until modern times. You’ll be served a warm soup for lunch.

In the afternoon, you’ll enjoy a tough, but scenic hike up alongside the waterfall, where you’ll be practising photography technique.

Day 3: Expressive Perspectives and Personal Vision

  • Morning & Midday: Guided highland hike with Erlend, through varied winter terrain. Experimentation with different angles, perspectives, and light to create distinctive images.
  • Afternoon: Group critique and review session to share insights and receive constructive feedback on captured images.
  • Evening: Relaxation winter spa in the woodfired hottub on the old quay by the fjord. Outdoor evening with bonfire and hot snacks and beverages.


Learning Goals, day 3


Practicalities, day 3

Breakfast at 8am. and today we’ll also prepare a lunch pack and some hot thermoses. We’ll be going on a long hike into the highlands! There’ll be fantastic views, beautifui trees in the winter landscape, but also challenging contrasts and depths of field to handle.

In the afternoon, we’ll get back to our warm houses and analyse the pictures we took over a hot cup of chocolate milk. Hessel will prepare a delicious traditional Norwegian dinner and weather permitting, we can make a bonfire on the shores of the fjord in the evening. 

Day 4: Cliff Hike, unique perspectives of the Lysefjord.

Morning: Final photo walk to encapsulate the essence of Flørli, applying all learnt skills and techniques.

Midday: Wrap up with a delicious lunch and a visit of the museum exhibition on the historic hydropower station. Thank you for visiting, enjoy your boat ride back to the city of Stavanger.

Learning Goals, day 4


Practicalities, day 4

After a good breakfast, we’ll hit the Cliffhike. It’s not long, but diverse and offers a perfect setting for practising. You’ll be returning with some breathtaking pictures. 

Today, you’ll be returning to Stavanger on the afternoon ferry. We hope you’ve had a wonderful and interesting stay. After lunch, there will be opportunity to visit the museum exhibition about the history of Flørli in the historic hydropower station. There are also a turbine and a control room to see with lots of beautiful technical details. 

Thank you for joining and have a safe trip home!

Booking Information and Terms.

Book online or send an email. We’ll send you a payment link. Payment will be done in Norwegian crowns (NOK) at current mid-bank rates. We confirm the tour when minimum four participants have signed up. Maximum group size is 12 participants. Target group for these tours are UK-based beginning photographers and amateur enthousiasts. You’ll need to book a flight or travel by other means to the city of Stavanger. We recommend you also book a guided hike to Preikestolen / Pulpit Rock, before or after your stay with us. This iconic highlight of our region will leave you breathless.

Cancellations and amendments: courses are confirmed from our side, when there are enough participants, latest four weeks before the tour starts. You will be sent a link for prepayment of your course when you’re ready to confirm. You can cancel the course free of charge until a month in advance. Cancellation within a month and until two weeks before arrival will be charged at 40% of the booking price. You can not cancel within two weeks before and will be charged 80% of the booking price, irrespective of cause. We therefore recommend you have a travel insurance to cover you in unforeseen circumstance.

Participants will leave Flørli equipped with a refined skill set, a collection of stunning images, and a deeper appreciation for the art of photography amidst the unparalleled beauty of the Lysefjord region.

Erlend Berne

Erlend Berne

Guide for Explore Lysefjorden

Erlend Berne works as a hiking guide and photographer for the adventure tourism company Explore Lysefjorden. For ten years now, he has been taking tourists from all over the world on hikes around the Lysefjord, picking them up in Stavanger city and showing them iconic highlights like Preikestolen, Flørli and Kjerag. Erlend’s dedication to his guests, his love of nature and passion for photography converge seamlessly in his role as a guide. With a keen eye for detail and an infectious enthousiasm, he will take you on thrilling hikes with breathtaking photo opportunities. Erlend is in charge of the photo course and the daily adventures during your Flørli stay.

Hessel Haker

Hessel Haker

Host at Flørli 4444

Hessel Haker is the host at Flørli 4444. Hessel grew up in the Netherlands. After studies of Forestry and Nature Conservation, he decided to do something practical in nature-based tourism. Since 2015, he is tenant of the historic hydropower factory in Flørli and a number of adjacent apartments and service buildings. Hessel has a deep-rooted love for this historic, roadless village on the steep banks of the Lysefjord. Hessel will be the location host, making your evening meals and ensuring your stay will be comfortable and pleasing.

Pictures from Flørli, taken by Flørli 4444

Pictures from the Lysefjord, by photographer Erlend Berne