Volunteering in Fjord Norway

Enriching volunteering experience – dynamic workplace – fantastic location!
Hi! Would you like to stay a week or two and help out in Flørli? That would be greatly appreciated!

Flørli is a beautiful, far-away hamlet on the Lysefjord where we run a hostel and café. We is Hessel Haker, owner of Flørli 4444 AS and a couple of seasonal employees. We have a short, but intense summer season with many guests coming to us. In the months before and after, we use our time to maintain the buildings and landscape in the village.

During the main-season june to august there are a couple of paid staff helping in the hostel and the café. We need extra hands on stand-bye and to help out with daily tasks. From january to may and in september we need handy helpers to prepare for the season and wrap up after.

We only need one or two volunteers at any time, so you might be the only volunteer coming. There is us as well of course, the guests and usually a couple of friends around. So come join our little team and let’s work together in good spirits!

Tasks are diverse and vary a bit according to when in the season you’d like to join. Until may, we do mostly maintenance and building, whereas in the main tourist season there are a lot of cleaning, dishes, serving food, helping guests and daily chores to be done. Volunteers work about 8 hours per day in the pre-season, about 6 hours per day if you come in the main-season. We’ll do our utmost to keep you happy and doing the tasks you are comfortable with. The pace is pretty relaxed and we have our meals together – the cook makes the food :-).

In the evening, there is time for you to get out on the fjord in a canoe, do some fishing, explore a mountain top or read a book with a fjord view. We’ll have a look at the weather and the calendar and find a couple of days that you can be free and explore the area. The 4444 stairs in Flørli are a must-see and usually volunteers also like to paddle kayak or see the Kjerag when they are here. Please be aware that we will generally not have time to join you on these adventures, but you may find other hostel guests that will.

Flørli is a sociable and inviting place! Are you an enthousiastic and active person who loves new challenges? Are you open-minded and sociable as well? Are you intent on doing a good job? Then I hope you are enthousiastic about coming!

Please note that non-Schengen citizens need a tourist visum or Schengen residence visum to come. We do not help in visa applications and do not send invitation letters. If you do not have the required documentation, please do not apply.

Drop us a line!

5 + 14 =

In short:

  • Diverse tasks in idyllic setting
  • Maintenance, building, painting
  • Cleaning and Hostel help
  • Explore the fjord in your free time
  • You can stay max two weeks – so you don’t get bored 🙂
  • We strive to take good care of you!