Accommodation near Kjerag

An overview of hotel and hostels close to Kjerag / Kjeragbolten

Flørli 4444 can be your base:

If you’d like to hike Kjerag / Kjeragbolten on a daytrip, Flørli can be a good base! Then you take the early morning ferry to Lysebotn, from there with your own car or the SBK shuttlebus to the parking at Øygardstøl – the trailhead to Kjerag.

Back to Flørli in the afternoon: the same way you came, to Lysebotn, then the ferry to Flørli. You get to experience the magnificent inner Lysefjord from the sea and make it back in time to enjoy dinner in our café!

Here are details about the hike and how you can plan this: Hiking around the Lysefjord

An overview of all accommodation near Kjeragbolten:

Stay in Flørli 4444, click here (rooms, holiday homes, camping, rent-a-tent)

In Lysebotn: Kjerag Lysebotn Camping og Resort and Lysefjorden Turisthytte

In Sirdal you can stay at: Sirdal Høyfjellshotell, Tonstadli Feriesenter, Sirdal Sommerpark.

Official description of the Kjerag hike: 

Tags: Kjerag hostel, Lysebotn hostel, Kjerag camping, Kjeragbolten hotel, Lysebotn hotel, Kjeragbolten, rooms, room, hostel, hotel, restaurant, ferry, arrival, departure, driving, bus, Øygardstøl, SInnes, Ådneram, Sirdal, Suleskard, Brokke, Songesand, recommendations, tips, best, confused